Third, the use of custom functions
Third, understanding: the essence of the object structure. This is already mentioned in section I passed, but made no specific explanation. Familiar with object-oriented language friends all know that the object is in the class of pre-defined, and is scheduled to die, can not be changed. However, as 3.1-style as, FAS method of the object as if it was strong from the outside added to object to, and use the assignment form, and the function body must be able to access the object through this subject.鐜板湪锛屽鏋滄垜浠妸FAS涓殑瀵硅薄姒傚康鐞嗚В涓篊璇█涓殑缁撴瀯浣擄紝鑰屾妸瀵硅薄鏂规硶鐞嗚В涓虹粨鏋勪綋涓殑鍑芥暟鎸囬拡鍙橀噺锛屽啀鏉ョ湅鐪?.1寮忥紝鏄笉鏄氨鍙戠幇鍘熸潵鎵?皳鐨勫畾涔夋柟娉曞彧涓嶈繃鏄湪缁欏嚱鏁版寚閽堝彉閲忚祴鍊肩舰浜嗐?鍐嶈仈鎯充竴涓嬶紝鏄笉鏄張鍙戠幇鍏跺疄涓嶇敤浠?箞鏃犲悕鍑芥暟锛屼笉鐢ㄤ粈涔?prototype涔熷彲浠ヤ竴鏍峰畾涔夊璞℃柟娉曠殑锛?br />銆??function myMethod() {
銆??銆??return 1;
銆??function myObject() {
this.method = myMethod;
銆??myobj = new myObject; // 3.2寮?br />銆??trace(myobj.method()); // 杈撳嚭 1
涓嶈繃鏈変竴鐐规槸鐗规畩鐨勶紝FAS閲岀殑瀵硅薄鍙互闅忔椂浠绘剰娣诲姞鎴愬憳銆傚叾瀹炶鐧戒簡鎵?皳鏋勯?鍑芥暟灏辨槸鍦ㄤ负涓?釜宸插畾涔夊ソ鐨勫璞℃坊鍔犳垚鍛樿?宸层?杩欎篃灏辨槸璇磋薄涓婇潰杩欐绋嬪簭鎴戜滑鍙互杩炴瀯閫犲嚱鏁颁篃鐪佷簡锛?br />銆??function myMethod() {
銆??銆??return 1;
銆??myobj = new Object; // 3.3寮?br />銆??myobj.method = myMethod;
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